Showing posts with label PUYB Author Talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PUYB Author Talks. Show all posts

PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'The Death of the Kremlin Czar' Jörg H. Trauboth⭐ #interview


Jörg H. Trauboth, born in 1943 near Berlin, logged over two thousand flight hours as a Weapon Systems Officer Instructor in the Luftwaffe, flying PHANTOM F-4F / RF-4E and TORNADO fighter jets, and over 3000 hours in light aircraft. At the age of fifty, he left the service with the rank of Colonel in the General Staff. He received training as a Special Risk Consultant from the English Control Risk Group and served as Managing Director Germany, dealing with extortion and kidnapping cases in South America and Eastern Europe. Shortly thereafter, he founded his own consulting firm, quickly establishing an outstanding international reputation. Trauboth protected his clients with a 24-hour task force during product extortions, product recalls, kidnappings, and image crises. He was the first President of the European Crisis Management Academy in Vienna and President of the American Yankee Association.

He is known as a respected expert in the media on security-related topics. He volunteers as an emergency counselor and is a member of the Crisis Intervention Team (KIT Bonn) of the German Foreign Office. He is a private pilot, married, with two sons and three grandchildren.

In 2002, Trauboth wrote the now out of print standard work “Crisis Management for Company Threats”.

In 2016 the follow-up work was published with Jörg H. Trauboth as editor in collaboration with five authors: “Crisis Management in Companies and Public Institutions”.

Terror expert J. H. Trauboth presented his debut novel in 2015 with the Germany thriller “Three Brothers”. (Available in English). In 2019 “Operation Jerusalem” followed and in 2020 “Omega”. The trilogy is about the former elite soldier Marc Anderson and his team. With these three self-contained thrillers, Trauboth is rated by many readers as the “German Tom Clancy.” The trilogy is available as a printed edition, eBook and audio book.

His first detective novel, “Jakobs Weg” (German), followed in 2021. The highly explosive topic of “sexual abuse of children” is processed sensitively in a scenario on the Way of Saint James and at the end offers contact options for those seeking help.

In 2022, the novella “Bonjour Saint-Ex” was published (German) in which the passionate pilot Jörg H. Trauboth turns the last flight of the legend Antoine de Saint Exupéry into an exciting literary event.

Readers wanted a sequel to the Marc Anderson series. In 2023, ZarenTod – Das Ende der Präsidenten was published, a highly topical political thriller. The Russian president and new tsar, Ivan Pavlenko, suddenly shows his true face during the war in Ukraine. He wants the old Soviet Union back. The world is on the brink. The influential oligarch, Alexei Sokolov, wants to prevent Ivan’s megalomaniac plans and is planning a fundamental new beginning for Russia. To achieve this, the Russian president must be removed. But the plan goes awry. Ex-elite soldier Marc Anderson intervenes. Will Czar Ivan die? What will become of Europe? The book 8/ 2024 in English „The Death of the Kremlin Czar” is the fourth political thriller in the Marc Anderson series.

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Can you tell us what your book, The Death of the Kremlin Czar, is about? 

The Russian president and self-proclaimed new Czar, Ivan Pavlenko, is revealing his true colors in the Ukraine war—he seeks a direct conflict with NATO. Russia and the world teeter on the brink of disaster. Influential oligarch Alexei Sokolov, determined to stop Ivan’s megalomaniacal ambitions, envisions a new beginning for Russia. But for his plan to succeed, the Russian president must die. There's just one problem: Alexei’s lover is Yulia, Ivan’s partner. Sensing betrayal, Ivan grows suspicious. While en route to Moscow, the plane carrying Alexei and Yulia is hijacked. Crisis teams in Berlin, Washington, and Kiev are drawn into the escalating drama. Fighter jets scramble, their pilots prepared to shoot the plane down if necessary. A struggle erupts in the cockpit, leaving the Boeing without a pilot. On board is former elite soldier Marc Anderson, who, together with Alexei, must attempt an emergency landing in Vilnius to save the hundred passengers. But as the clock ticks down, the question looms: will the plane land safely, and will the world finally be free of its aggressor?

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

The book is part of the Marc Anderson thriller series. Marc, a former elite soldier in Germany’s Special Forces, now runs his own security consulting firm. Despite being only 39, his legendary missions with the SEALs have earned him a formidable reputation. He isn’t a Rambo type, but a thoughtful and sensitive character, revealing different facets of himself. In this book, he grapples with self-doubt, questioning whether he can fly a plane at all, but ultimately rises to the challenge. I’m sending him on a hero’s journey, inspired by the framework of American mythologist Joseph Campbell.

His wife, Jelke, is a reserved, somewhat fragile woman, but she steps up at a critical moment to help Marc.

Ivan Pavlenko mirrors the current Russian president as we know him from the media: short, power-obsessed, intelligent, ruthless, and deeply insecure. His vulnerability lies in his immense pride, which becomes his Achilles' heel. Like all dictators, he craves equal footing with global power players but lives in constant fear, making him a paranoid and extremely dangerous individual.

Alexei Sokolov, an oligarch and favorite of the Russian president, has grown wealthy under his protection. But since the war in Ukraine, he’s begun to doubt the president’s mental stability and plots to kill him in order to seize power with a small faction. Alexei is clever, well-read, and Western-oriented, though somewhat naive—thinking his affair with Ivan’s partner, Yulia, will go unnoticed.

Yulia, Ivan’s partner and mother of two boys, is an attractive, passionate woman who’s deeply in love with Alexei. She lives with him and her sons in Monaco, having chosen to stay with Alexei despite her fear of Ivan’s retribution. In the surprising climax, Yulia reveals unexpected inner strength.

US President George F. Summerhill is a fictional character who embodies the ideal traits of a sovereign national and world leader. Throughout the Marc Anderson series, he remains the most consistently admirable president.

Kryptos, the CIA director, is an eccentric character with a more supporting role, but crucial to the plot as he aids Alexei. The president relies heavily on Kryptos, knowing that if he fails, the presidency could unravel.

Ukrainian President Bohdan Sapronov is modeled closely after the real-life president—once an actor, now a fierce defender of his nation, completely reliant on Western support.

Similarly, German Chancellor Kai Schuster is portrayed as a weak leader with poor crisis management skills, walking a fine line to avoid provoking the Russian president.

Summary: Most of the characters are thinly veiled versions of real-world figures, with only the names changed. It’s like reading a newspaper, leaving you to wonder why the real story doesn’t end like this fictional one.

Your book is set across Europe as well as Moscow and Washington. Can you tell us why you chose these locations?

The book is a political thriller set against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, which is why its action unfolds across European capitals, as well as in Moscow and Washington. The love scenes between Alexei and Yulia take place aboard an oligarch's yacht in Turkey. The yacht also houses a submarine, where Alexei and CIA Director Krypot plot an assassination of the Russian president. For my romantic readers, I’ve chosen a small, picturesque hotel in the Apennine mountains of Italy, where Yulia and Alexei share their final night of love after an emergency helicopter landing, before heading to Russia.

How long did it take you to write your book?

I initially spent six months researching and flew my small plane, a Grumman Tiger AA5B, to Kiev, Crimea, Poland, and the Baltic states. Berlin, Moscow, and Washington were already familiar to me from my professional work. Once I started writing, I was completely in the flow, and the book was completed in about four months.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

At the end of a kidnapping case, where I was advising the family of the kidnapped daughter, I was overwhelmed by the experience and decided to turn the story into a novel. The result was Three Brothers, a book that was so successful it became the start of the Marc Anderson series. And the magic of continuing the story hasn’t stopped since.

What kind of advice would you give up and coming authors?

That depends on your goal. Are you writing for yourself, your family, or the public? I write for the public, always following a plan. It's important to know the beginning and the end; don't write without direction, as the risk of losing both yourself and your reader is high. Crafting good literature is an art. Learn to write in a captivating language and master the literary tools to engage your reader from start to finish.

Be meticulous with facts. In today's Google-driven world, mistakes are never forgotten. Once you've finished your book, give it to someone you trust for feedback. Don’t hesitate to use AI to enhance your language and correct mistakes—nothing more.

Remember, when you're finally satisfied with your work, the real challenge begins:  marketing. Whether you have a publisher, buy services, or handle it on your own, know that doing it all by yourself makes achieving great success more difficult. But don't be discouraged. No one can take away the fact that you've created something truly special. Best of luck! If you have questions, I will be happy to answer:

Inside the Book

Title: The Death of the Kremlin Czar

Author: Jörg H. Trauboth

Publication Date: August 26, 2024

Pages: 443

Genre: Thriller

Russian President and new Czar Ivan Pavlenko suddenly shows his true colors during the war in Ukraine. He wants the old Soviet Union back. The world is on the brink. The influential oligarch Alexei Sokolov wants to prevent Ivan’s megalomaniacal plans and is planning a fundamental new beginning for Russia. To achieve this, the Russian president must die. How will the US President react to the CIA’s proposal to support the oligarch, who has a romantic relationship with the Russian President’s partner, Yulia? 

The poison attack is perfectly prepared, but the Boeing with the oligarch Alexei Sokolow, his lover and over 100 passengers on board is hijacked by a Ukrainian terrorist and is supposed to crash over Berlin after knocking out the crew by shooting. Former elite soldier Marc Anderson is on board with his family and takes over with Alexei. The two flight amateurs try to get control. Will the landing and the assassination succeed or will the Kremlin Czar strike back brutally after realizing the role of Yulia?

The Death of the Kremlin Czar is available at Amazon (U.S. edition) and Amazon (German edition).

PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'Hi De Ho, Infecterino! The Come Up' Andrew Marc Rowe⭐ #interview


Born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, Andrew Marc Rowe had no idea that the human psyche and the nature of reality were going to end up as his prime fascinations in life. Perhaps he had more than an inkling that he would not wake up one morning as a jock doing sports things, given his penchant for nerdiness like mythology and fantasy and science fiction, but matters of the spirit and philosophy were the furthest things from his mind as an adolescent. More his speed were the most puerile and juvenile expressions of toilet and sexual humour offered up on silver platters by stand-up comedians and nascent Internet peeps.

People grow up, though, or so Andrew has been told. His interests expanded, limited world views were shattered, horizons increased in scope. Mental health problems became intractable, psychedelic medicines and following one’s dreams were recognized for their curative powers. Atheism became raving pantheism became ‘wrong question, dude’ as Andrew found himself no longer young enough to know everything or believe anything. Instead, he finds himself writing characters who think they know everything.

If you really want to stroke Andrew’s ego, tell him you’ve never read anything like his work before. It makes his writing nearly impossible to market but at least I’ve got chicken, as young Leroy Jenkins once proclaimed to a bunch of nerds in the mid-aughts.

What’s that? You want bog-standard biographical info? Lawyer, father of one, man nearing middle age who gets his jollies pushing and bending and licking the literary envelope.


Andrew Marc Rowe’s latest book is Hi De Ho, Infecterino! The Come Up.

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Before you started writing your book, what kind of research did you do to prepare yourself to write it?

I don't really research things before hand. I'm more of an 'on the fly' type of guy. That said, this is billed as a 'Psychedelic-Soaked Zombie Horror Comedy.' I mean, on this subject, zombie horror and psychedelics, I spent most of my adult life ingesting both. I mean, information about both. For zombie horror, I got hooked with Resident Evil on the PlayStation when I was thirteen and I just have been addicted ever since. With psychedelics, if I'm being honest, they saved my life and helped me find purpose. I am as well read on the subject as anyone I know. As for comedy, I mean... can you really learn how to be funny? Or do you just have to be raised in a viper pit with three other siblings who spent their formative years watching comedy movies together and teasing each other relentlessly?

Did you pursue publishers or did you opt to self-pub? 

When I published my first book, The Yoga of Strength: A Fable, in 2019, I pre-sold it and got it crowdfunded using a service called Publishizer. It was a decently successful campaign. I was offered a few deals, including a couple of traditional deals from what seemed like solid publishers with decent pedigrees. But the reality is, I have to follow someone else's rules enough at my day job. This is my chance to truly be liberated, and I'll be gorsh dorned if I'm going to have someone else tell me what I can and can't write. So I chose a hybrid publisher, what people might call a vanity press, using the money raised. It was called Atmosphere Press. Nick Courtright, the owner, did exactly as the name suggested - he courted me right. He also showed me enough of the ropes that I found an editor and a cover artist, did some further auto-didactical education, and moved into self-publishing after that. Hi De Ho, Infecterino!: The Come Up is my twenty-second published book. 

If self-published, did you hire someone to format the ebook version for you or did you do it yourself?  Can you tell us what that was like?

I use Jutoh to format my e-books. It's an old school looking piece of software - something from the old glory days of Windows 3.1. That said, it is good at what it does and I'm happy with the output.

If self-published, how did you determine the price?

I went with $4.99 for the ebook because I'm at a stage of my career where I feel confident enough in my work to give it a reasonable price for what I think it's worth. I would pay five bucks for the book if I knew what it was. Before I bought it. Somehow.

Did you purposefully choose a distinct month to release your book?  Why?

This dropped in January of 2024. I was going through a hard time in my personal life and I kind of rushed it out the door, which is why I'm only starting to promote it a year later.

How did you choose your cover?

Welp, there's an atomic bomb which is being ridden by a zombie with the tip of a fly agaric mushroom cap on his head dropping into London. There is psychedelic tie dyed gas coming out of the back of the bomb. It's about as appropriate a cover as it can possibly get. Obviously I'm going for a very serious and sedate thing, since this book means serious business. It's got 'literary fiction of incomparable gravitas' and 'short listed for the Man Booker prize' written all over it!

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do after their book is released?

Take a chill pill and be satisfied that you just released your baby into the world. The book will sell itself.

Hahaha, psych! Now the real work begins. Like picking up the gold coins from the bank to add to the swimming pool in the backyard before getting ready to take a dive, a la Scrooge McDuck. Particularly since you published your book in a very popular category, beloved by forlorn married women wishing that their husbands would learn how to give proper... oh, hey look at that, I'm almost out of space!

What would you like to say to your readers and fans about your book?

If you don't read this book, you will die. You will die if you do read this book, too. In fact, death is the inevitable end of this mortal coil, nothing we do in these lives will stand the test of the eons to come, we're all so much dust and echoes...

So we might as well have a laff while the laffin' is gud.

Inside the Book

Title: Hi De Ho, Infecterino!

Author: Andrew Marc Rowe

Publication Date: January 28, 2025

Pages: 202

Genre: Zombie/Horror/Comedy

Larry Evans was on the brink of his big break. As the lead singer of a rising rock band in 1980s London, his dream of leaving behind his small-time drug-dealing days seemed within reach. But fate—or more accurately, a freak fire and a faceful of experimental fungal spores—had other plans. Transformed into patient zero of a flesh-eating zombie outbreak, Larry unwittingly becomes ground zero for a pandemic that’s more psychedelic than apocalyptic.

The culprit? De Longeuil, a hallucinogenic fungal infection created by the brilliant but socially awkward scientist Hester. As the infection spreads, it alters not just bodies but minds, creating a hive mind of infected individuals who crave brains and challenge the limits of human evolution. Meanwhile, global leaders weigh the nuclear option, threatening to obliterate Great Britain in a desperate bid to contain the outbreak.

Enter an unlikely alliance: Larry, fighting to maintain his humanity; Starseed, the newly sentient fungal hive mind; and a ragtag crew of survivors, including Willy, an adult bookstore clerk battling his own addictions, and Ralph, whose experimental fluconazole offers a glimmer of hope but at a strange cost to her own humanity. Together, they must find a way to prove to the world that the infected aren’t mindless monsters, all while dodging fallout—both literal and figurative.

Across the Atlantic, Subject #30452—a crow gifted with sapience thanks to Parasol Industries’ sinister experiments—embarks on his own odyssey. From revenge to psychedelic enlightenment, his journey takes him to a New Jersey arcade run by a hippie named Zane, where unexpected connections begin to reshape his worldview.

Hi De Ho, Infecterino! is the first explosive installment of The Parasol Files, a mind-bending trilogy that blends apocalyptic chaos with dark humor, wild characters, and a sharp, satirical edge. Equal parts zany adventure, raunchy comedy, and biting commentary, this is a story of survival, evolution, and the absurdity of it all. Buckle up for a trippy, laugh-out-loud ride into the end of the world—and the strange possibilities it might bring.

Hi De Ho, Infecterino! The Come Up is available at Amazon.



PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'Ring of Rosin' Nancy Golden⭐ #interview


Nancy Golden wears a lot of different hats – She is a wife and mom, author, engineer, professor, horsewoman, and small business owner. She is also the founder of a writing group – the Carrollton League of Writers. Nancy lives in a suburb of Dallas, Texas and she loves to ride bicycles and horses. She is a member of the National Space Society, and she has been a Trekkie for as long as she can remember. Nancy Golden Books provides a great reader experience with well-crafted writing that will brighten your day.






Can you tell us what your book, Ring of Rosin, is about?

Ring of Rosin is the second book in the Dynamis Novels and continues the story of young King Rugal. 

From an ancient Tolan legend: 

Many, many years ago, a wondrous bird flew into the mountains of Tolan. In its claws, it bore a giant stone, a stone of fire. The bird dropped the stone somewhere in the mountains, where it shattered. The one who finds its fragments shall have power beyond belief.

The Ring of Rosin has unexpectedly disappeared. Join King Rugal on his quest to recover the ring symbolizing his right to rule, forged from the stone of fire. A mysterious companion joins the young monarch on a perilous journey. Rugal’s shadowy ally leads him to the nomadic Kargoliths, who are locked in an ongoing dispute with the neighboring kingdom of Tolan. As destinies intertwine amidst the clashing cultures, the fates of Elayas, Tolan, and the Kargoliths hang in the balance.

Will the Ring of Rosin’s power on the Day of Questioning help Rugal defeat the foreign threat to Elayas, or will it be used to destroy him?

Can you tell us a little about your main character and supporting characters?

Rugal is the main character of Ring of Rosin and the reigning king of Elayas. Rugal has the ability (the supernatural power called dynamis) to change into more than one animal form. He is the son of Jackal and Mura and he is also betrothed to Lissa, the daughter of Ethiod Stargazer. Tonar is an artist residing in Cargoa and he is Rugal’s closest friend.  Johan of Sharvindar is a mysterious emissary of King Handerbin of Tolan. Hamideh, King Handerbin’s son, is next in line to become king of Tolan. Rugal, Tonar, and Johan embark on a journey together to regain the Ring of Rosin. 

Your book is set in several neighboring countries. Can you tell us why you chose these locations in particular?

Ring of Rosin is set in the kingdom of Elayas, the kingdom of Tolan, and the unsettled territory in-between the two kingdoms, covering a variety of geographical regions. I didn’t choose the locations – I followed the story as it unfolded. 

How long did it take you to write your book?

The first draft of the first book in the Dynamis Novels was written in 1986. Last year I took the draft from so long ago, and worked it into what became the final manuscript of Sword of Fate. Interestingly, I had also written the first three chapter of Ring of Rosin back then. While it has evolved into a very different book from what I envisioned so long ago, the inspiration from those first three chapters is intact and drives the plot line. Once I started work on Ring of Rosin, it moved rapidly and I completed the final version six months after I returned to those three chapters. Ring of Rosin officially launched on September 2, 2024.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I am not sure if I can pinpoint a pivotal point in my writing life, but rather, being faithful to my calling to write, even when seasons of life caused long interruptions. I have been blessed with many exciting moments. For those familiar with Kirkus reviews – Getting a positive review and recommendation to “Get It” for my science fiction novel, Alien Neighbors, from Kirkus was an important milestone for me. Most recently, our local Barnes & Noble is carrying Sword of Fate (Book 1 of the Dynamis Novels) and Ring of Rosin (Book 2 of the Dynamis Novels) and their invitation to do an in-store author signing event has been very affirming - truly a dream come true.

What kind of advice would you give to up-and-coming authors?

My advice to up-and-coming authors is simple. Keep writing. You will need to spend an inordinate amount of time on administrative stuff, marketing, and researching. It is easy to let those things take over. Make sure you are still making writing a priority.


Inside the Book

Title: Ring of Rosin

Author: Nancy Golden

Publication Date: September 2, 2024

Pages: 222

Genre: Fantasy

Many, many years ago, a wondrous bird flew into the mountains of Tolan. In its claws, it bore a giant stone, a stone of fire. The bird dropped the stone somewhere in the mountains, where it shattered. The one who finds its fragments shall have power beyond belief.

The Ring of Rosin has unexpectedly disappeared. Join King Rugal on his quest to recover the ring symbolizing his right to rule, forged from the stone of fire. A mysterious companion joins the young monarch on a perilous journey. Rugal’s shadowy ally leads him to the nomadic Kargoliths, who are locked in an ongoing dispute with the neighboring kingdom of Tolan. As destinies intertwine amidst the clashing cultures, the fates of Elayas, Tolan, and the Kargoliths hang in the balance.

Will the Ring of Rosin’s power on the Day of Questioning help Rugal defeat the foreign threat to Elayas, or will it be used to destroy him?

Follow King Rugal as he faces the greatest threat to his reign since his coronation. An exciting adventure of valor and unlikely friendships the whole family can enjoy!

Ring of Rosin is available at Amazon.

PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'A Heart's Journey to Forgiveness: A Memoir' Terese Luikens⭐ #interview


Terese Luikens has been married for forty-four years to the same man, although she is on her third wedding ring, having lost one and worn out another. She lives in Sandpoint, Idaho, enjoys being mother to three grown sons and grandmother to her much-loved grandchildren. She is the author of A Heart’s Journey to Forgiveness, a Memoir of her inspiring journey of emotional healing from her father’s suicide. She facilitates retreats and workshops focusing on forgiveness, and publishes her own blog, Why Bother? 

You can visit her website at

Hi Terese! I am so in awe of your book, A Heart's Journey to Forgiveness. You say that a picture perfect childhood it was not. Can you take us to the beginning? Where did you grow up and tell us a little about your family?

I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska as the sixth of seven kids. The first eight years of my life were idyllic because although the household was chaotic, Dad was readily present. He was the one who tucked us in at night, read us bedtime stories and whose lap I sat on for comfort. But the older I grew, the more I discovered about his drinking and his depression.  

Did you ever have thoughts of running away?

I didn’t have any thoughts of running away, but in times of trouble I found quiet places where I could be alone such as in a neighborhood park or the public library. 

What was your school life like?

We moved for the first time just after I finished the second grade. Then again after I started the sixth grade and yet again in the middle of seventh grade. With so many moves in such a short time, I didn’t get the opportunity to make friends or find success in the classroom. By the time I was in high school, I thought about dropping out of school and just working full-time. But, my mother said that I needed to graduate and I did. Later, when I went to college, I enjoyed academics because my life had finally settled down.

How did you get out of your situation?

My dad ended his life by suicide when I was thirteen. For the next ten years I learned ways to survive by not depending on anyone but myself. Living independently and not relying on anyone except for myself caused me to be very lonely and eventually led me to nearly ending my own life. But, I didn’t. If you read my book, then you will find out what happened next. 

Did you ever learn how to trust again?

Trusting again was and is still sometimes difficult. But, without trusting others, relationships don’t happen. 

Did God play a big part in your healing?

God did play a big part in my healing and God has stayed involved in my everyday life. 

Looking back, was there anyone you could confide in?

Suicide is a tough topic to talk about. My mom was unable to help any of us through our grief because she became emotionally incapacitated after Dad’s death. Occasionally, I’d talk with my grandma who told me that someday I’d have to forgive my dad. At the time she said those words to me, they did not make much sense to my adolescent mind. It would be years later that those words came to my mind and I was able to forgive my dad.   

What would you like to say to your readers and fans about your book?

Even if you’ve never experienced the suicide of a loved one, I think you will be able to relate to the book on multiple levels; growing through insecurities, marriage, raising kids and what it’s like to keep walking by faith.


Inside the Book

Title: A Heart's Journey to Forgiveness: A Memoir

Author: Terese Luikens

Publication Date: November 3, 2022

Pages: 282

Genre: Memoir

For Terese Luikens, a picture-perfect childhood it was not. Frequent cross country moves, an emotionally absent mother and an alcoholic father who ends his life by suicide when Terese is just thirteen years old. 

The sixth of seven children, Terese grew up in an unstable and chaotic household–invisible to her mom yet cherished by her father. 

This heartfelt memoir documents the chain reaction of a tumultuous family history. From her stormy childhood to the far-reaching effects of her father’s suicide, Terese shares her inspiring journey to escape the shame of her past, find healing and live, learn to trust, and discover faith in a real and personal God.  

A Heart’s Journey to Forgiveness is available at Amazon.




PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'AJ and the Incredible Fish' Paolo Mazzucato⭐ #AJandtheIncredibleFish #interview


Paolo Mazzucato is an American fiction author and screenwriter. He began his writing career as a Chicago playwright and award-winning student filmmaker before moving to Los Angeles where he won awards for screenwriting and scripted various projects for film and television. He is also the author of several children’s books including: “No One Mocks a Panda” (an Amazon #1 Best Seller, Feb. 2019), and “The Absolutely True Story of La Befana” (an Amazon Holiday Top 100 title). He is also the author of the fantasy/adventure novel, “The Gondoliers: The Secret Journals of Fanticulous Glim,” a “recommended” read by the US Review of Books.

Mazzucato’s new book will be launched on Sunday, September 22nd at the Orange County 
Children’s Book Festival
in Costa Mesa, California. 

Find out more about the author on his website: and follow him on his social media (Facebook, X and Instagram).

Before you started writing your book, what kind of research did you do to prepare yourself to write this?

I think research for a book, especially in fiction, is a constant and continual process. Little ideas that occur to you…themes that weave themselves into your day-to-day life…moments that you file away in memory, become the springboard for characters, scenes and stories. With AJ and the Incredible Fish, the characters are definitely fused from personalities and philosophies of people I have encountered in some form throughout my life. And while AJ’s adventure is certainly fantastical, the underlying purpose of each step in the journey relates in a very real way to steps that we each take in deciding what risks we are willing to chance and what path we choose to follow. The particulars of setting, of course, will help make a story feel authentic, and for that reason, I like to blend my created world with some aspect of the real world. AJ’s home and life in Maui stems from my spending time in that setting with extended family. While certain specifics are researched, most of the description that gives life to that place comes from first-hand experience of the town and rhythms you experience there. I did do a bit of traditional research when it came to the portions of the story at sea—terms and practical knowledge—because while those scenes are windswept in fantasy, they still need to have a foot firmly in a reality that makes sense.

Did you purposefully choose a distinct month to release your book?  Why?

I had heard that, ideally, the best time for a fantasy release is the beginning of summer, when school wraps up and people on vacation are ready to spend time with a fun adventure. That idea may still be valid, but maybe summer fun, these days, is more about outdoor activities.
Curling up with a good book may be more of a Winter holiday pursuit. So, launching AJ at the end of September at the Orange County Children’s Book Festival turned out to be a good option. Hopefully, kids and parents (and grandparents) will find the journey of AJ and his Grandpa to be a charming and even exciting prospect for their Winter break.

How did you choose your cover?

The collage of images from AJ’s adventure over an old world map of the seas was an image in my head even as I was still finishing the book. I had mocked up some art with character silhouettes over a compass and map early on, and when I met with an illustrator much later, I had very detailed ideas and compositions for the cover and each of the twenty-two chapter heading graphics and twenty-two chapter illustrations. I eventually forged ahead with the art, trying to recreate the cover and images from my mock-ups and from those in my head to best capture the fun and adventure of the story.

What's your opinion on giving your book away to sell other copies of your book?

As a writer, the goal is certainly to share your work with as many people as possible; however, you should never forget or dismiss the fact that it is, in fact, work. I was once told that work that is given away has been treated the same as work with no value. Now, giving some copies as a tool for marketing is a calculated expense, but that’s what it is, an expense that will hopefully generate interest among a wider audience.
I am not a fan of giving free things to people who just don’t think they should have to pay for anything.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do before their book is released?

After finishing, let it sit for a while; then, reread it. If you can allow yourself sometime to “forget” the story, then you might be able to see the parts that are unclear or that just don’t work. That, of course, leads to the next “important” thing you should do which is rewrite. If a chapter or section isn’t serving the story or the characters, cut it.

Save it in a separate file if you like, but streamline the story so that is doesn’t get bogged down in tangents that you once thought were entertaining but are, on the whole, irrelevant. Then let someone else read it, preferably not someone who just loves everything you do (grazie, Mamma). A critical, fresh eye will find more parts that don’t make sense or don’t further the story. Cut or rework those parts too.
Obviously correcting type-o’s and formatting errors goes without saying.
Then, when you are sure your story is the best you can make it…read it again, start to finish, several times. I guarantee you will stumble over another awkward phrase or mind-boggling type-o that you missed. Finally, after all that, create an Advance Review Copy (ARC) to get the ball rolling with some legitimate, professional reviews.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do after their book is released?

Unless you, as a writer, are also an expert in marketing, it helps to find someone else to champion or promote your book. Whether that’s an agent or manager or publicist, having a professional whose expertise will put your work in front of the right eyes and help it stand out in an otherwise crowded field, will make a big difference.

What would you like to say to your readers and fans about your book?

For me, AJ and the Incredible Fish is both epic and personal. The story is a flight of fantasy that takes the reader on a grand adventure full of strange, new places and peculiar characters; but at its heart, it is a tale of personal growth and discovery. AJ’s relationship to his new friend Livvy and especially to his Grandpa is just as much a journey as is their quest to find the incredible fish. I hope that young readers will enjoy the action-filled adventure while recognizing AJ’s hopes, doubts and uncertainties in themselves as well. And I hope older readers will see in the subtext, a story that is just as relevant for those of us who must continue to reach for the “extraordinary” in life, to see the “horizon beyond the waves.”

Inside the Book

Title: AJ and the Incredible Fish

Author: Paolo Mazzucato

Publication Date: September 10, 2024

Pages: 316

Genre: Fantasy Adventure (Tweens 9-14)

Could a fish hold the key to belief?

AJ and the Incredible Fishby Paolo Mazzucato is a captivating fantasy adventure that’s perfect for tweens aged 9-14, especially boys who love a blend of excitement and deeper meaning.

This story takes young readers on an unforgettable journey that blends the wonders of fantasy with the realities of growing up.
Eleven-year-old AJ is a relatable character who starts off skeptical of fairy tales and grand adventures, but when his Grandpa unexpectedly sets sail on a quest to find a legendary fish, AJ finds himself pulled into a world where anything is possible.

Alongside an eccentric girl named Livvy, AJ faces perilous challenges, encounters extraordinary characters, and discovers that the true adventure lies in believing in the impossible.

This book is more than just an adventure; it's a story about trust, courage, and the power of belief. It encourages young readers to embrace their imagination, face their fears, and understand that sometimes, the greatest treasures in life are the dreams we dare to chase.

Ideal for parents, teachers, and librarians seeking a fantasy fiction adventure that inspires and entertains.

Don’t miss out—let AJ’s journey spark imaginations!

AJ AND THE INCREDIBLE FISH is available in hardcover for $24.95 and in Paperback for $18.95. It can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book sellers. (and at the Orange County Children’s Book Festival, Sept. 22, 2024


Publication date: September 10, 2024; Publisher: Bepi Books 

Amazon Author Page:

Amazon Hard Cover Page:

AJ and the Incredible Fish — Hard Cover: 978-1-7379898-4-4; 316 pages, 24.95

AJ and the Incredible Fish — Paperback: 978-1-7379898-5-1, 316 pages, 18.95

Amazon Paperback: