PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'braveing the way' Laurel C. Fox⭐ #interview


Laurel C. Fox was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised in Aspen, Colorado from the age of nine, through high school. After graduating college with a BA in Liberal Arts, Laurel wound up living in Los Angeles for thirty five years, raising two daughters, and having several careers. Laurel worked for Neil Diamond in the music business for fifteen of those years and traveled the world. Laurel now lives back in Colorado with her husband, John. She works as a voice-over actor and can be heard in many popular television shows such as Lethal Weapon, Angie Tribeca, and Manifest, to name a few. Laurel enjoys being a substitute teacher for the public and private elementary schools in the Roaring Fork Valley. She also sings in a local band, and dabbles on the theater stage whenever she can.

You can visit the author’s web page at www.braveingtheway.com and Instagram at https://instagram.com/laurelcarini.


Before you started writing your book, what kind of research did you do to prepare yourself to write it? 

I did no research at all before writing this book. I was catapulted into this extremely uncomfortable situation with my daughter and after six months to a year—I learned more than I ever wanted to know because I was forced to. I was her care-giver and her advocate (along with doctors and nurses) and I had to do a deep dive into brain injury whether I wanted to or not. I experienced what I think is the best way to learn and be knowledgeable about something to write about. First hand experience.

Did you pursue publishers or did you opt to self-pub? 

I thought about hiring a publisher and “shopping it around” and then I learned along the way that a publisher wants a lot of control. Sometimes control over the writing, the story and even when they want the book by (a deadline). Once I learned all of that —I opted to self-publish in order to keep my very personal story my own.

If self-published, did you hire someone to format the ebook version for you or did you do it yourself?  Can you tell us what that was like?

 I hired a little company called “Light of the Moon, Inc.” (who were my hand holders) and they did the formatting-- they made it such a great experience for me. I had to be very ‘hands on’ but I choose to be that way anyway. It was a great way to do it (someone guiding me) but I was also very active in the process.

If self-published, how did you determine the price?

I knew the hardcover needed to be $10 more than the paperback and then I just went from there making it an affordable amount for people based my printing costs.

Did you purposefully choose a distinct month to release your book?  Why?

I did. I purposely chose June because that marked the ten year anniversary of the reason I began writing braveing the way —and also I knew I wanted to release it in the summer.

How did you choose your cover?

I came up with the final design in the middle of the night. The blue heart emoji has significance to me with close friends and family during Taylor’s recovery because everyone was wearing blue for Taylor. So, I designed the cover on my own when I suddenly had a very clear vision of what I wanted it to be. I purchased a blue heart on-line for $11 and went from there. I knew I wanted my title to be all lower case and also inside the heart, keeping it all very stream-line and simple.

Did you write your book, then revise or revise as you went along? 

The revisions came with every time I sat down to it. I would read a paragraph and usually make a change. It wasn’t until the very very end of the process when I think I stopped revising and let it be.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do before their book is released?

I think an author should be very clear on the reason they want to write a book, and once they are mindful of that vision they should NOT STOP —just keep writing no matter what. You don’t always know what will happen in the end, and you certainly can’t control it. So have patience with yourself and go from there. I would say always remember, it’s YOUR story to tell.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do after their book is released?

I think you should have someone help you promote it in one way or another —because you will always do that to get your book out there. Take seminars and listen to people who have done it.

Do you have a long term plan with your book?

I would love to eventually be speaking and helping people—which has always been my long term vision in writing this book. I have mentored some parents and I learned that people could use my help—so I hope to do that.

What would you like to say to your readers and fans about your book?

I would like to say thank you for taking the time to dive into our journey with us. Especially my own. I also hope you all take a little something away from braveing the way after you read it—that makes life a little more special for you.

Inside the Book

Title: Braveing the Way

Author: Laurel C. Fox

Publication Date: June 20, 2024

Pages: 186

Genre: Memoir

When Laurel’s fourteen-year-old daughter experiences a life-altering event, her entire world is upended overnight. Faced with her child’s precarious fight to survive and the daunting road of rehabilitation ahead, Laurel discovers fountains of courage and devotion she didn’t know she possessed.

Despite the hardships and her own private grief, Laurel tackles each grueling day with positivity, resilience, and humor. She becomes a tireless advocate for her daughter by pushing past exhaustion and uncertainty, focusing on savoring small triumphs, finding meaning amidst tragedy, and opening the door to the healing force of community.

Sharing her deeply personal experience, she delivers an emotionally charged story that reveals the extraordinary power of a mother’s love, underscoring the lengths a parent will go to for their children. Laurel’s own self-discovery will both encourage and inspire you.

Laurel says to her readers My book is about a trauma that happened to my daughter, Taylor, when she was fourteen years old. My story ‘braveing the way’ takes you deep into my own journey while being beside my daughter in her separate journey of survival.”

Braveing the Way is available at Amazon.

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