⭐Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick Off⭐Mistletoe Season by Sheila Roberts, Kathleen Fuller & Pepper Basham


This Christmas, three couples find themselves under the mistletoe . . . whether they want to be there or not.

Title: Mistletoe Season

Authors: Sheila Roberts, Kathleen Fuller & Pepper Basham

Publication Date: October 8, 2024

Pages: 320

Genre: Women's Fiction/Romance/Holiday Romance

This Christmas, three couples find themselves under the mistletoe . . . whether they want to be there or not.

Say No to Mistletoe by Sheila Roberts—Mistletoe is Hailey Fairchild’s kryptonite. Every time she’s kissed someone under the mistletoe it’s led to love disaster. Not a good thing for a romance writer! When she was a gawky high school girl, her hunky neighbor, Carwyn Davies, star of the basketball team (and her dreams) kissed her under the mistletoe on a dare. But the kiss wasn’t a dream come true. It was a mortifying moment she’s never forgotten, and now she’s about to go home for the holidays, unengaged and . . . determined to say no to mistletoe. Especially if Carwyn is anywhere around.

Return to Mistletoe by Kathleen Fuller—Emmy Banks has always loved Christmas. How could she not when she lives in Mistletoe, Missouri? Kieran O’Neill has spent years abroad, renovating an old Irish castle, but returns to Mistletoe for his mother’s seventieth birthday. He reconnects with Emmy, his sister’s close friend, and spends time with her in her charming antique shop. When the weather turns colder, things start to warm up between Emmy and Kieran. But can Emmy risk her heart when she knows he’ll never stay in Mistletoe, and she will never leave?

The Mistletoe Prince by Pepper Basham—Prince Arran St. Clare has lost his freedom and fairytale life in exchange for a three-month “punishment” in the small town of Ransom, North Carolina. To prove he is ready for the royal life for which he was born, Arran must engage in the Christmas charity fundraiser, The Mistletoe Wish. But when kindness, authenticity, and hard work prove more appreciated in Appalachia than a royal pedigree, Arran must face the mirror and find out who he is beyond the crown. Add a beautiful and intelligent woman who doesn’t recognize her own worth, some mistletoe, and a little Christmas magic and it all might be enough to help the rebel-prince understand what truly matters most.

Mistletoe Season is available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Book Excerpt

Mistletoe is my kryptonite.One kiss under it, and I go weak in the head. My last three mistletoe kisses resulted in relation- ship disaster. Which is why I, Hailey Fairchild, am swearing off it.

You’d think after three love fails I’d hate cupid. I don’t. I’m one of his loyal acolytes. I write romance novels. I’m a believer.

If you ask me, everyone should be. We need more love in the world. I need more love, but so far I’m only finding it on the pages of my computer screen.

On the screen is better than nothing. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Consider this a public service announcement, a warning. Don’t go under the mistletoe. It’s hazardous to your heart. Here’s what it did to me.


About the Authors

Sheila Roberts has written over fifty books under different names and in different genres. She’s seen three of her novels made into movies for the Lifetime, Hallmark and Great American Family channels and has over 3 million copies of her books in print. The story in this anthology makes her eighteenth Christmas story.

Website https://sheilasplace.com 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/funwithsheila/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sheilarobertswriter/


With over two million books sold, USA Today best-selling author Kathleen Fuller writes amusing stories with quirky characters and happy endings. Her novel, Written in Love, won the 2018 Romantic Times Inspirational Romance of the Year. Many of her books have also hit the CBA and ECPA best-seller lists. A retired Special Education teacher, she and her husband James live in Arkansas and are the parents of four adult children. When she’s not writing you can find her reading and crocheting—usually at the same time. She also enjoys traveling, football, and collecting recipes she’ll never use. 

Website https://kathleenfuller.com 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WriterKathleenFuller/ 

Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/kf_booksandhooks/ 

Pepper Basham is an award-winning author who writes romance “peppered” with grace and humor. Writing both historical and contemporary novels, she loves to incorporate her native Appalachian culture and/or her unabashed adoration of the UK into her stories. She currently resides in the lovely mountains of Asheville, NC where she is a wife, mom to five great kids, a speech-language pathologist, and a lover of chocolate, jazz, hats, and Jesus. Her dual timeline novel, Hope Between the Pages, was a 2022 finalist for the prestigious Christy awards. Pepper’s newest book, Loyally, Luke, made it on the ECPA bestseller list for May. She loves connecting with readers and other authors through social media outlets like Facebook & Instagram.

Website https://pepperdbasham.com 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pepperdbasham/

Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/pepperbasham/

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🎈Happy Book Birthday to 🧁THE MIRROR by P.K. Eden🎈 #bookbirthday


We're thrilled to announce the release of P.K. Eden's new book, THE MIRROR today! To help celebrate, we are asking our readers if you can please pretty please pick up a copy at Amazon and come back and tell us how you liked it? Or, leave a review while you're there! 

Congratulations, P.K. Eden, on your new release, THE MIRROR!

Is Now Available in Paperback & Kindle!

Title: The Mirror
Author: P.K. Eden
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Pages: 390
Genre: Urban Fantasy

What if you found out the artifacts from the fairy tales you loved as a child were real and one of them just predicted your death? That’s the dilemma Scientist Ben Michaels faces when Siene Dower, descendant of the Brothers Grimm, tells him that Snow White’s Magic Mirror sent her to stop him from getting into the cab that crashed and burst into flame right before his eyes at the intersection at Penn Station, New York City. Does practical Dr. Michaels dismiss everything he knows about reality and science and follow the curious and beautiful woman who just saved his life?

The Mirror is available at Amazon.


“Sit.” Siene motioned to the black sofa next to the door. She walked to the back bookshelf and pulled forward an old book with her forefinger. She skimmed the pages as she walked back to him. About halfway through the book she retrieved a fragile-looking, folded paper with timeworn brown edges.  

She sat next to him. “Show me your palm.” 

Ben held out his hand. “Why? Are you going to read it?”

“Do I look like a fortune teller?”

“You did predict the cab accident,” Ben replied. 

She rolled her eyes and gently unfolded the paper. Carefully, she dropped three brown, shriveled ovals into his palm.

Ben’s brow furrowed. “What are these?”


“I can see that.” He looked up. “Is this when I ask you why they were hidden in the book?”

“No, you’re supposed to guess.”

Ben lifted an eyebrow. “Do you really want to play games, Siene?”

She crossed her arms in front of her. “Actually, yes. You’re the hot-shot genius. I’m curious to see if that big brain of yours can think outside the . . .” She felt a wicked smile form on her lips “. . . outside the spit glands.”

He shot her an annoyed look and used his forefinger to move the beans around on his palm. They were shrunken but all the same size and shape. Kidney beans, he guessed. Very old kidney beans. He glanced at Siene. “Beans hidden in a book. Did you get them from a prom date instead of flowers and this is your way of telling me that you’re still thinking of the prom king?”  

She saw amusement replace the annoyance on his face. Okay, maybe inside all the gray matter the man had a sense of humor. She’d try sparring with him later. Right now, she had to make a seemingly very obtuse point. “Did your mother ever read you fairy tales when you were a child?”  

“Yes,” Ben replied, still holding the beans in his outstretched hand.

“Which ones?”

“The usual. Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, the Shoemaker and the Elves.”

“What about Jack and the Beanstalk?” 

Ben glanced down at the beans in his hand and then back at Siene. “Of course, and I suppose you’re going to tell me these are magic beans.”

Skepticism lit his eyes and Siene knew he wasn’t quite there yet. “I know I’m asking a lot, but for a minute, just send all the Einstein stuff to the back of your gray matter and go with it.” His expression told her he thought she was nuts and she suspected ninety-nine percent of the world’s population would probably agree with him. “I guess laymen might say they are magic.”

“Laymen.” Ben paused before shooting her a probing stare. “People off their meds like you, you mean.”

She held up her finger. “You agreed to go with it.”

“No, I did not.”

“Let’s pretend you did. These beans are the last ones left.  It drives my brother, Reed, crazy that I keep them in a book.  He thinks it’s the first place a Taltoian would look.” She held the book up so he could see the title.


“I’ll get there in a minute.” She lifted her chin. “Look at the book.”

White paper showed through the frayed corners of the cover and the embossed lettering worn low by the passing years made the words hard to read. He leaned closer and squinted. Tales by the Brothers Grimm. His head snapped up. “Is this an original edition?” He turned the book over and then back. “It looks very old.”

Siene nodded. “They are my great-great--maybe another great, maybe not, it really doesn’t matter at this point--Uncles Jacob and Wilhelm. The book has been passed down through the generations.”   

Ben’s wide-eyed gaze flared. “You are crazy. You expect me to believe these are the magic beans they wrote about? That if you plant them, a stalk will grow as high as the clouds and if we climb it, we will meet a giant who has a goose that lays golden eggs?”

“Yes, and other things. A golden harp…”

Ben stood. “This has been an adventure to say the least, and I will admit you might have a very valuable book that could command millions, but you being related to the Brothers Grimm, “ he looked down at his hand, “And these are magic beans, I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

He handed her back the book and held up fingers in a vee. “Two reasons. One, I suspect if there actually was a goose that laid golden eggs, some billionaire would own it and two, a giant, by sheer atomic weight and mass, cannot stand or live on a cloud.”

Siene shrugged. “Whether you believe me or not, it’s still true.”  

“Which part?”

“All of it.” She slipped her hand under his. “I better take those back now.” She carefully placed the beans inside the paper and back into the book.  

Ben remained still for several minutes as though processing the information he just heard. “It appears your uncles, if they truly are,  are not the only ones who can tell tall tales.”

She put the book back on the shelf. “They wrote the stories to protect the artifacts.”

“Artifacts. Like those in a museum?”

She looked at him and smiled. “No, the ones in my uncles’ stories.”

“Which stories?”
“All of them.”

– Excerpted from The Mirror by P.K. Eden, The Wild Rose Press, 2024. Reprinted with permission.



P.K. Eden is the alter ego of multi-published and award winning authors Patt Milhailff and Kathye Quick whose debut novel FIREBRAND was lauded as comparable to the Harry Potter series, garnered 5-Star reviews, and won numerous  Reviewer’s Choice Awards.

Born long, long ago in a place not so far away, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, Kathryn Quick has been writing since the Sisters in St. Casmir’s Grammar School gave her the ruled yellow paper and a number two pencil.  She writes contemporary and career romances, romantic comedies, historical romances as well as urban fantasy. 

Kathye has twenty fiction books in print with various publishing houses and one non-fiction compilation of her town’s history at the behest of the Manville Library Bord.  She was honored to have been named an Amazon top 100 Romance Author for Ineligible Bachelor published by Montlake Romance. Other works include a three book  Grandmother’s Rings Series – Amethyst, Sapphire and Citrine, a rom-com series that follows three siblings as they use their Grandmother’s Rings given to them by their mother to find their soulmates. 

Because she has been fascinated by King Arthur and his knights for almost forever, her series Beyond Camelot, Brother Knights, is her vision of how the majestic kingdom may have survived after Arthur. Two books are written in this series with the third and final still in concept.

She is a founding member of Liberty State Fiction Writers and has been a part of Romance Writers of America and New Jersey Romance Writers.

She is married to her real-life hero, Donald, and has three grown sons, each having romantic adventures of their own. Her two grandkids, Savannah and Dax, happily cut into her writing time but she still manages to get a few pages done each day.

Website & Social Media:

Website www.Kathrynquick.com  

Twitter ➜ https://x.com/KQuickAuthor

Facebook ➜ https://www.facebook.com/KathrynQuickBooks/

Instagram ➜ https://www.instagram.com/kathrynquickauthor/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217228581-the-mirror


Thanks to novelist and editor, Dr. Nathasha Brooks-Harris who invited Patt Milhailff to write for several TRUE CONFESSION lines of magazines where she learned tight and entertaining writing and resulted in the publication of more than two hundred short stories and articles.

One of Patt’s most gratifying experiences was when she moderated a standing room only workshop at the African American Romance Slam Jam in 2004 and has since enjoyed speaking engagements at libraries, book clubs and other forums. 

She was awarded 2009 Author of the year and 2010 Mentor of the year by Romance writers of America, New York City Chapter, a terrific organization that helped her to obtain valuable lessons and insight while on her writing journey. 

Patt is also featured in A Dream Deferred, A Joy Achieved, a non-fiction novella by Charise Nesbit a co-producer at Tyler Perry Studios, about foster care, as well as being included in two of Times Bestselling Author Zane’s anthologies. 

Patt is one half of the writing duo P.K. Eden along with Kathye Quick, authors of Firebrand,  that received a five star Affaire de Couer Reviewer’s Choice Award. 

She is also a member of Liberty States Fiction Writers the home of a magnitude of talented writers and fellow authors and is the author of nine novels.  

Patt was raised, and educated in New York City, residing in  New Jersey, and has since relocated to Delaware.

Social Networks for P.K. Eden:

Follow on Twitter: https://x.com/PKEdenAuthor 

Follow on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/P.K.EdenAuthor

Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p.k.edenauthor/


This birthday greeting is brought to you by the kind folks at Pump Up Your Book. May we send our heartfelt congratulations to P.K. Eden and their new release!

PUYB Author Talks: ⭐A Bookish Conversation with 'Stele Prophecy Pentalogy' Randy C. Dockens⭐ #SteleProphecyPentalogy #interview


Dr. Randy C. Dockens has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without being enemies of each other.

After completing his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been administered (i.e, absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted).

Through the years, he has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas, including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to seek and develop new and novel medicines in these therapy areas.

He has also had his attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon.

Randy has recently retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian (The Coded Message Trilogy), end-time prophecy (Stele Prophecy Pentalogy), science fiction (Erabon Prophecy Trilogy), and uniquely told Bible stories (The Adversary Chronicles). All his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for his readers.

He has also written some nonfiction books as well. One is to show how all humans are connected from God’s viewpoint by looking at biblical prophecy (Why is a Gentile World Tied to a Jewish Timeline?: The Question Everyone Should Ask). This book shows how all scripture is connected and inclusive of everyone. In addition, he and his editor have written two books about writing. The first is on writing techniques themselves and is entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Writing: Creating Vivid and Colorful Stories that Readers Want to Read. This book not only addresses the techniques of writing, but what makes writing unique to each author. It conveys not only how to better hone one’s craft of writing but also the brand an author wants to portray. This helps an author make their writing unique as well as captivating for his/her audience. The second is a companion book to this one entitled Mastering the ABCs of Excellent Self-Editing: Framing Your Colorful Masterpiece to Keep Readers Engaged in Your Story. This is best used in conjunction with the first one. Yet, self-editing, though intricately connected to writing, is a distinct event. The better the quality of a writer’s draft manuscript when it is delivered to one’s editor, the higher the final quality of the manuscript will be for readers, and that is extremely important.

Dr Dockens is still not done. He has other creative ideas he is bringing forward as he is currently working on two new futuristic series. So, stay turned!

Website https://www.randydockens.com/   

X https://x.com/RandyCDockens 

Facebook  www.facebook.com/Randy.C.Dockens

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/randydockens 

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16453941



Before you started writing your book, what kind of research did you do to prepare yourself to write it? 

When I first started this series, I was working on my doctorate in biblical prophecy. Therefore, understanding the biblical teaching about a future earthly reign of a Messiah on Earth as presented in many prophetic biblical books was part of my studies in preparing for my doctorate. I also have a doctorate in pharmaceutics and, at the time, worked for a pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist. That is a fancy word for a way to mathematically describe how the body handles a drug once it is ingested. One can mathematically describe the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs.

Having both a scientific hat and a biblical prophecy hat allowed me to present a unique perspective for writing the Stele Prophecy Pentalogy series. This allowed me to present fictional stories which can provide entertainment for readers but can also provide biblical education at the same time.

Did you pursue publishers or did you opt to self-pub? 

My publisher is a hybrid of both and is what is called custom publishing. The publisher provides many of the services of large publishing houses, but the author maintains all rights and control of their work and bears much of the cost as well.

If self-published, did you hire someone to format the ebook version for you or did you do it yourself?  Can you tell us what that was like?

For almost all my books, my publisher took responsibility for getting the book formatted for ebook versioning. Therefore, I had very little to do with that process.

However, I did write two backstories for my book T-H-B, the first book of my Coded Message Trilogy. To produce these as an ebook, I used the online company Draft to Digital. That was a very simple process. I simply uploaded a word version, and it converted it to the ebook versioning that Amazon and other online stores utilize.

If self-published, how did you determine the price?

For the most part, I relied upon the advice of my publisher. The other thing we took into account was the price of other books that were similar to mine in both genre and book size (i.e, number of words or pages). There are other things one must keep in mind as well. The cost of printing will depend upon the batch size that one wishes. So, it is important to look at total costs and then be sure you are not setting a price where you have zero profit. Yet, it is a balancing act because you don’t want to price it out of range for other books in your genre and size. Think through such things as whether you want to go wide with your book (i.e., going to many distributors) or not. Do you want to have a print run or go with print on demand? The latter could be more expensive, but it may prevent you from having an excess inventory which itself is an expense to consider. It is important to think through your strategy of how you plan to present and market your book. Every part of putting your book together comes at an expense. Therefore, planning is key no matter which direction you decide to go.

Did you purposefully choose a distinct month to release your book?  Why?

For this series I did because I had an aggressive timeline I tried to keep. I wanted a book to come out every four months. Therefore, I created a timeline for my editor, publisher, and interior designer so we could all be on the same page. Several people who read my books told me that they buy each book of a series but will not start reading until they have all the books so they can then binge read. They didn’t want to wait a year to continue with the storyline. Therefore, I tried to get these out as quickly as possible. It seemed every four months was the quickest I could do that with all the activities involved in getting a book published. I wanted to prevent any overlap for work for my editor and interior designer so they could focus and work on only one book at a time.

Now, to keep the books on a release schedule of every four months, there was some overlap that had to occur on my part, but I made sure my editor and interior designer did not have overlap and could work on only one book at a time but with the next book coming quickly behind the previous one.

How did you choose your cover?

I designed the covers myself and then had a cover designer professionally produce the cover. There were, of course, some back and forth discussions between me and the cover designer, and she would give me additional ideas for me to consider, but I had the final say. I like that the covers are somewhat abstract but have elements of realism that tie in with the theme of the book.

Did you write your book, then revise or revise as you went?

I wrote the first draft and then edited my work. The only reason for going back over something before I finished the draft was just to remind myself where I was in the story. I was taught that revising before the first rough draft is finished is procrastination. I guess that statement is up for debate, but it does make sense. No matter how many revisions and rewrites are done before the first rough draft is completed, there will still be a lot of self-editing that will be needed before it goes to your editor. Therefore, it is best, I think, to get the rough draft completed, even with all its flaws, and then go back through the entire document and do all the editing that is necessary to get it to be the quality product you desire it to be.

What you write later could alter some aspect of a section that you’ve already spent a lot of time editing and rewriting, so go ahead and get through your rough draft and then do your self-editing.

Did you come up with special swag for your book and how are you using it to help get the word out about your book? 

The only portable thing I created for this series was a bookmark that I could hand out to individuals. This was a way to advertise even when I may be promoting a different series.

I also created a banner on a stand where it can be rolled up into the stand. This makes it convenient to carry and can also be used as an advertisement for this series. It can also be used when you are promoting another series or other books. This allows customers to see that you have other books for them to also check out, and it can be a conversation starter with them as well.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do before their book is released?

Once you know when the book will be released, advertise it on whichever platforms you are a part of and encourage friends who receive the notice to repost so it will reach additional viewers that your platform will not reach. Also, if you have a newsletter or blog, mention its release there as well.

What are some of the most important things you believe an author should do after their book is released?

If you have a newsletter, again mention it there and request that they post reviews and do so in multiple places. Again, post on any platform you are a part of as well and again encourage friends to repost so others outside your reach would also be notified of your book’s release.

Do you have a long term plan with your book?

One way I plan to generate more interest in this series is to link it to another series that I am writing. I am currently working on a series that is tied to a more modern prophecy that is touted by many Christian prophets alive today. Many are saying that Scripture implies that the Spirit of God will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea, and its fulfillment is just around the corner. I wanted to show what this could potentially look like for our future. This is the genesis of The Cities of Light Series, with the first book of three coming out very soon. The first book of this series is entitled Beacon of Truth. The third book of this series will then tie back into the Stele Prophecy Pentalogy which we are discussing today. I hope you check it out.

What would you like to say to your readers and fans about your book?

This five-book series is a presentation of five stories during a future earthly kingdom as outlined in biblical prophecy. This book series also calls this period the Refreshing because things are made new: those who were righteous have been resurrected, all pollution generating machinery and factories are eliminated, and all disease and death have been abolished. This is a one-thousand-year reign of the Messiah where he will reign as King of kings over the earth with his base of operation in Jerusalem, Israel. All my novels in this series are connected to each other but can also be read separately. Because death has been rescinded during this time, except for those who rebel against the King, characters within the story of one book can still be part of the storyline of the next book even if the storyline of each book is separated by several hundred years. The main characters in one book become the supporting characters in the other books.

The setting of my books in this series is at many places around the world, but the main location is in Jerusalem, Israel, because that is the base of operation for the King, also known as the Messiah. Kalem and his friends must travel to many places around the globe because the stelae are hidden in various strategic places on each continent.

Many Jewish and Christian denominations have a belief that one called the Messiah will one day come to earth and set up an earthly kingdom and this will be a time of great peace and prosperity where sickness will be a thing of the past, and maybe even death itself will be abolished. The controversy lies in who is this Messiah and how will this kingdom come about. This book series is about this kingdom.

Not only is there confusion and controversy about who the leader of this kingdom will actually be, there is much confusion about what will occur during this magnificent time of our future history. I want my readers to get a good flavor of what life during this time may be like and be able to understand and experience it for themselves.

For example, in my first book, Mercy of the Iron Scepter, I wanted people to experience the wonderment of this time with all the peacefulness, beauty, and unity that will exist during this time. In Scripture it talks about this Messiah, this King, to reign with an iron scepter. That means he will deal harshly with the sin of rebellion. So, I show what that looks like, but also show that there is a merciful side to this harshness as well. While the King deals immediately and decisively with rebellion, he is also loving and wants the best for his citizens of the world. I show that side of him in this novel as well.

In contrast to this utopian time is its precursor which Scripture calls the Tribulation Period, a time of chaos and all sorts of calamities—an apocalypse of sorts. Promised Kingdom takes the reader through this time and what it might be like to live through such an ordeal.

Another thing many are confused about is that sacrifices will be made again during this time of our future history. As most Christians believe, Jesus Christ came as the promised Messiah the first time he came to earth fulfilling the Law of Moses and became the sacrifice that the Mosaic Law required for the redemption of mankind. Therefore, today, we no longer have sacrifices. So, what would make them be needed in our future? My novel, Hope Renewed, helps the reader to understand the purpose of these sacrifices as they travel with Ya’akov as he goes through his adventure and the decisions he makes about his destiny.

Another aspect to this future time is that someone named the Prince is introduced in the book of Ezekiel in Scripture. There are various beliefs as to who this person is. Through my book, Darkness in the Light, as one goes through the struggles which Me’ira endures, one will see that this Prince is not the Messiah and is not King David as some purport. This novel gives a reason for him being a separate individual from these and what his duties will be for the citizens of the world during this future time.

Then there is the aspect of dealing with human depravity. While this is a time of peace, harmony, and wonderment, there will be those who are still not satisfied with the status quo. I want people to understand that while we have dark spiritual forces today that make many do bad and evil things, even when those forces are held at bay (which will be true during this future time), the heart of mankind can still be evil and against God. People born during this time still need a Savior and their decisions, just like ours today, can have eternal consequences. As readers go through the storyline of Janet in Iron in the Scepter, we cheer her on to make the right decisions even though deep down we know she likely will not. It is similar to when we knew Anakin Skywalker would turn into Darth Vader, yet we kept hoping that he would not make those fateful decisions that we knew he was going to make.

I wanted to write about something that would prove to be exciting to read but at the same time be something the reader can learn about and contemplate.

I think one aspect that I like about this series is that it shows that no matter the circumstances or the time in which one lives, it does not alter what humans have to go through and the decisions they must make. People are people no matter in what historical timeframe in which they live. Just like Kalem, we struggle with knowing what is really true and don’t realize that truth is what determines our ultimate destiny. And like Edvin, we struggle to find significance in this life and sometimes we must go against what seems like the best solution for our career just because it is the right thing to do. Me’ira, just like us today, struggled with finding true love, and our decisions can have consequences that ripple through time for many generations. Then, just like Janet, we sometimes let pride get the better of us and cause us to make decisions that are unwise and actually hurt the ones we love even though we think we are doing something for their good when it is really not good at all.

This series is sort of done in layers. One can get a great story with action, adventure, mystery, and even romance set in a science fiction or futuristic type of backdrop. If that is all a reader wants, it’s there! But if one wants to better understand the background of the story and its significance, not only to the story but to their own lives as well, that is also there. One can enjoy, contemplate, or even do both.

Inside the Series

A series of five stories run the gamut of emotional themes: struggling with anger, the desire to belong, one seeking destiny, complicated love, and being blinded by pride. Each cleverly crafted story demonstrates unbelievable technology where the earthly and divine merge into an amazing and unforgettable future.

Kalem lives through the death of his brother by the hand of the King which occurred when he was very young. Now that he is older and can act, he is emotionally torn between his anger over his brother’s death and the love he is finding in someone who supports the King. Two prophecies stand before him. The one he wholeheartedly believes in places his life in danger just as it had for his brother. The other is safer but requires him to live a lie. How can he choose which direction to take? Yet he must choose before his fate is sealed.

Edvin experiences heartbreak during troubled times as his sister-in-law loses her unborn baby and his girlfriend dies from plane crash injuries. Yet he is not the only one. Thousands around the globe experience the same events happening in their lives and to their loved ones. How can he make sense of the apocalyptic world in which he now lives? Yet an unexpected destiny awaits him.

Ya’akov gets approved for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, but he gets caught in a nightmare of manipulation and deceit, which ultimately leaves him abandoned at sea not remembering who he is or how he got there. Despite such a start, he finds a destiny greater than anything he had ever dreamed possible.

Princess Me’ira breaks protocol and falls in love with someone not vetted by prescribed law. Her decision will yield unpreventable heartache to either herself or to those closest to her. While unknown to her, the decision she makes sets a future in motion she could never have anticipated.

Janet discovers how to increase teleporter efficiency to an all-time high, but her work is rejected by the King. Her selfish pride sets in motion a plan of revenge that has devastating consequences far greater than she ever imagined.

Each story is stand-alone, yet they all intertwine into a unique whole that paints a picture of a future time in which we may all find ourselves one day.

The Stele Prophecy Pentalogy Series is available at Amazon.



⭐Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick Off⭐An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024


This groundbreaking study examines the creative capabilities and limitations of GPT-4o, an advanced AI model that mirrors human expressiveness. 

Title: An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024

Author: Deborah Levin

Publication Date: May 6, 2024

Pages: 226

Genre: Nonfiction

Discover the creative abilities and constraints of artificial intelligence with "An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024." This groundbreaking study examines the creative capabilities and limitations of GPT-4o, an advanced AI model that mirrors human expressiveness. Drawing on the insights of the latest research, this book explores whether AI can truly replicate the depth and nuance of human creativity in poetry.

From structured sonnets to open-ended free verse, poetry is a profound literary form that captures the essence of human emotions and experiences. But can an AI model like GPT-4o generate verses with human authenticity? Through a qualitative exploration of AI behavior in creative contexts, this study examines the model's ability to create original, non-plagiarized work and its tendency to rely on specific terminology or phrases.

Key Questions Explored:

  • Can GPT-4o produce poetic expressions equivalent to human creativity?
  • What refinements in capability does GPT-4o encompass beyond its older counterparts?
  • Does GPT-4o exhibit over-reliance on specific terminology or phrases?
  • Are the poetic outputs from GPT-4o indistinguishable from human-created poetry?
  • How does GPT-4o handle the complexities of creative context generation?

In this study, you will also find:

  • Examples of AI-generated poetry that showcase GPT-4o's creative potential.
  • Insights into the model's unique approach to literary expression.
  • Evaluation of plagiarized content and poetry generation speed.

An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is an essential read for anyone interested in the future of AI and its role in human culture. Whether you are a poetry enthusiast, a tech aficionado, or simply curious about the capabilities of modern AI, this book offers unique insights and thought-provoking analyses. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the cutting-edge of AI-driven creativity—get your copy today!

An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is available at Amazon.


Book Excerpt

This independent exploratory study aims to understand GPT-4o's capabilities and limitations related to creative poetic expression. Poetry encompasses creative literary representations in structured and open-ended formats. Expressions of feeling are arranged in verses or comparable language patterns (Oxford, 2024). Can GPT-4o produce poetic expressions equivalent to human creativity?

GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer. The number four in the model's name represents the fourth generation of this model, created by OpenAI. The "o" is short for "omni," which is defined as "combining all." 

GPT-4o is a multi-modal large language model (LLM) based on artificial intelligence (AI). AI uses data and algorithms through machine learning to imitate how humans learn. A subset of machine learning, known as Deep Learning, uses multi-layered deep neural networks to simulate the decision-making complexities of the human brain. This learning enables the model to increase the accuracy or predictions over time. Examples of AI-based technology include digital assistants, global positioning systems, and self-driving vehicles. Companies use AI strategies to automate tasks of lower complexity and bolster predictive modeling performance. (IBM, 2024)

Critics of AI believe it cannot replicate human creativity. The development of quality literary contribution requires personal collaboration. AI cannot critically analyze its outputs and cannot produce engaging content. Although technically accurate, the absence of emotional intelligence and empathy makes AI-generated creative content lackluster. Additionally, AI struggles with context and tone. (Burn, 2023)

Additional criticisms of AI, beyond an absence of creativity and emotion, include limitations due to data dependency and bias. Machine learning algorithms pull data from information across digital technologies. The quality of data inputs, including biased information, directly affects the outputs generated by AI. There may be over-reliance on source information if machine learning deems other sources less relevant. In some instances, AI can magnify biases, resulting in discriminatory content. Data inputs of misinformation or propaganda further exacerbate bias by developing aggregated content perceived as accurate and relevant. (AIContenfy, 2023)

Ethical concerns, including copyright infringement and plagiarism, present significant implications for authors, students and educators. The evolution of AI enables this LLM to mimic human conversations and create human-like content. The United States Copyright Office does not currently offer protection to literary work unless it is made or heavily edited by humans. This human-created requirement also encompasses protection for art and other media. Information contributors extend ethical concerns as AI may or may not ask contributors for permission before including their content in machine learning models. (Lane 2024) 

Regardless of copyright protection, AI-generated content encourages human laziness through over-reliance on technology tools to produce content. The challenge of generating original creative thought is relegated to merely creating the right prompt to tell AI the type of output desired. This presents a significant challenge to educators as they strive to develop student intellect, encourage critical thinking, and realize the full human experience. 

The GPT-4o model was trained using an extensive dataset, including internet text, books, articles, websites, and other electronic information. This data included information created up to September 2021. However, refinements enabled the model to include some knowledge as recent as early 2023. Therefore, new outputs created are based on relevant data from 1-2 years ago. This model began its rollout for general use in 2024 with enhanced voice, vision and text modality. (OpenAI, 2024)

Criticisms of AI were based on previous models. What refinements in capability does GPT-4o encompass beyond its older counterparts? Qualitatively exploring AI behavior's complexities relative to creative context generation will reveal its capabilities. Is this new model capable of creating original, non-plagiarized work? Does the model exhibit over-reliance on specific terminology or phrases? Do poetic outputs from this model seem human?

About the Author

Dr. Deborah Levin is a woman of many talents. She holds degrees in Design, Business Administration, and Leadership. She has multiple technical certifications, ranging from project management to artificial intelligence natural language processing. She has a strong background in project management and continuous improvement. She used her unique combination of creative and analytical skills throughout her decades of experience in corporate manufacturing and transactional environments, in addition to facilitating courses for adult learners and community service leadership. Dr. Levin is passionate about lifelong learning and is a strong supporter of formal education. She believes sharing her learning and experiences with others helps them gain perspective to become better versions of themselves.  She expresses this passion through a down-to-earth, personable writing style often seen in her written work.

Her book, An Exploratory Study of GPT-4o Poetry 2024 is available at Amazon.

Visit her website at www.allenjopublishing.com.

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