⭐Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick Off⭐The Atlantean Horse by Cheryl Carpinello #YA #Paranormal #Supernatural


Steeped in ancient mystery, an epic quest sends Rosa and Jerome into deadly danger as they search for the First of Five Feathers of the Phoenix…

By Cheryl Carpinello

Ancient Mystery…Mystical Prophecy…Biblical Horsemen

One Epic Task

The Task: Retrieve the Five Feathers of the Phoenix to raise Atlantis so its people can return home.

The Chosen: Cousins Rosa & Jerome embark upon a perilous and personal quest to retrieve the first Feather. Rosa’s special gift, kept far in the Past, will be revealed, and Jerome will discover his.

The Opponents: The Four Deadly Horsemen of the Apocalypse will stop at nothing, not even murder, to possess the Feathers.

Join Rosa & Jerome as they risk all in their search for the First Feather!

Book Information

Release Date: September 23, 2022

Publisher: Silver Quill Publishing

Kindle: 149 pages; $5.99

Amazon: https://amzn.to/3eHdTmT

Book Excerpt

Taking a deep breath, I wonder—for the first time in two years—at the ties that bind me, ties I now think of as a gift rather than a curse.

She said you would help. She said you could help because you walk in two worlds.

“What…what do you want?” Idiot, I tell myself. You know better than to ask that question.

This time the man speaks out loud. “The time is now.”

I finger the ankh again, squeezing it, absorbing the warmth. "Time for what?"

"It is time for Atlantis to rise again. It is time to gather the Feathers of the sacred Phoenix bird to set the island in motion."

I blink as images of a sunken island and fleeing people, animals, and birds fill my head. “What…what do you want from me?”

“You are the one who must gather the Feathers on the Sun Days and bring them to the Atlantean Horse so that my people and my land can once more be united. It’s been too long, and our people wish to come home.”

“Me?” My eyes widen in disbelief.

The man nods. 

Putting my hands around my head, I try to block out the hundreds of voices from the visions running rampant through my brain. Voices crying out for help. 

A shiver travels down his body shaking me out of the trance. His hands vigorously rubbing his arms prompt me into action.

"Get inside. You have no business being out in this weather dressed as you are." I open the screen door and move to the side to let him pass. No, don’t start. Don’t say a word. She sent him here. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I know what I’m doing. I hope. I glance around the neighborhood to be sure no one else, especially Jerome, is around. Maybe I’m the only one who can see him, like Tut. 

"Thank you, Rosa," he says, continuing to briskly rub his arms. "She didn't tell me that your world is wrapped in ice."

About the Author

I’m a lover of mythology, myths, legends, and tales from the ancient/medieval worlds. I enjoy exploring how these have transcended time/space to influence our world today. Myths and legends don’t fade away; they are just repackaged for a new audience.

As a high school English teacher, I continually challenged my students to find connections between today and times long gone by. Some took more digging than others, but the connections were always there. One of my favorites, Star Wars, borrows several concepts from the Legend of King Arthur. The Star Trek series goes even further back into the mythology of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt as well as others.

I write Arthurian Legend for young readers and teens (I never refuse to let mature readers enjoy my stories!). These stories exhibit what I consider to be cornerstones of that Legend: Courage, Honor, Loyalty, and Friendship.

My tales from Egypt and my new series Feathers of the Phoenix meld the ancient/medieval worlds with today. The Atlantean Horse (Book 1 of Feathers of the Phoenix) also brings the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse out of the Bible and into the modern world. They and my main characters are after the feathers of the Phoenix in order to bring Atlantis alive again.

P.S. I believe in magic and Unicorns!!

Website Linkhttps://www.cherylcarpinello.com

Blog Link: http://carpinelloswritingpages.blogspot.com/

Twitter Linkhttps://twitter.com/ccarpinello

Facebook Linkhttps://www.facebook.com/cheryl.carpinello1

Goodreads Link:    https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2924554.Cheryl_Carpinello

Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/ccarpine1/

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