Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour Kick Off: PAIN IN MY HEART by Daryl-Jarod @daryljarod #poetry

LGBT Poetry

Pain in My Heart is a candid and honest journey through the eyes of a hopeless romantic. Each poem serves as part of a puzzle that not only pieces together heartache and love, but also the vulnerable parts we fearfully conceal from the world.

Poems that cover topics of self-love, depression, anxiety, and life as a gay black male in today’s society, all await you as Daryl-Jarod unlocks his heart to yours, one page at a time.


iBooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/pain-in-my-heart/id1477992371
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=dVO6DwAAQBAJ&rdid=book-dVO6DwAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_atb&pcampaignid=books_booksearch_atb

I wonder, would they miss me?  
If one day I decided Id grown tired of trying 
And wanted nothing more To do with this cruel, cruel world If I woke up one morning too weary Of being called sissy and faggot Too ashamed of living day-to-day in this skin Because no one seems to understand me They have no interest at all In comprehending my daily struggles Just because I walk the way I walk
And talk the way I talk
Does that give anyone the right to exclude me? Or find humor in my uniqueness? Is it even ethical to taunt a timid soul Already on the brink of destruction?

Daryl-Jarod is an Amazon best-selling author, recording artist, and actor. Born and raised in Hopkins, South Carolina, he always had big dreams of pursuing a career in entertainment.

As a child he’d write short stories and songs, which later aided him in transitioning into the talented storyteller he is today. His writing career all began with a short poem he composed in third grade entitled, “My Teacher is Neat”, which was selected to be featured in a publication of poems from talented students throughout the state. The encouragement of his mother, teachers, and peers, pushed him to continue writing.

Years later, he is now the author of Silk, an acclaimed erotic series that debuted atop of Amazon’s Best-Seller Erotica charts. With many more book releases in the works, he has also displayed his skills as a singer-songwriter and rapper on his debut mixtape, “The Liberation of Daryl-Jarod”. Despite consistently maintaining a busy schedule, he always kept his acting goals in sight as he graduated from Coker College with a BA in Theatre Performance.

Daryl-Jarod is hard at work promoting his latest and most personal offering, Pain in My Heart.


Website: www.daryljarod.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daryljarod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daryljarodrandolph


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